The McGrath Makers are a textile group made of people with learning disabilities living in Newham. They have been meeting to sew embroider and paint for over 10 years. They have shown their work at Canning Street Library and the Art Workers Guild, and many other places. Their next show will be in Stratford Library in October 2024. The group grew out of Newham Social Services, Adult Care services and the work they did with East London Textile Arts (ELTA) that developed over more than ten years.
The class is open to all, but places are limited and if you would like to join let us know and we will see if there is a free space -if not we can put you on a waiting list.
The classes run on Tuesdays
at Stratford Library
10.30 - 3 pm
More information about ELTA’s work can be found on their website at www.eastlondontextilearts.com
Some of our work
Donald Dunn Star
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